Narrative Writing
This mini-unit will explicitly step students through the skill of writing an engaging narrative text, diving deeper into traits of writing such as word choice, structure and sentence fluency. This unit uses the text ‘Luke’s Way of Looking’ by Nadia Wheatley, and creates the opportunity for students to explore features of the text in their own writing. These lessons can be adapted and used as stand alone lessons or with another text of choice.
Narrative Writing
This mini-unit will explicitly step students through the skill of writing an engaging narrative text, diving deeper into traits of writing such as word choice, structure and sentence fluency. This unit uses the text ‘Luke’s Way of Looking’ by Nadia Wheatley, and creates the opportunity for students to explore features of the text in their own writing. These lessons can be adapted and used as stand alone lessons or with another text of choice.
Download Unit Summary- How can I, as a writer, construct an engaging narrative text?
- Personal and Social Capability
- Critical and Creative thinking
- Literacy